Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Fabulous Micro-derm Product

One of my personal goals in life is to have awesome skin.  Listen, as superficial as it may be, not only do I feel better knowing that I'm taking good care of myself, but my self-esteem might get a little boost from it too.  I think as I'm getting older (30 in August, that's right), taking good care of myself is more and more important - nobody wants to end up looking like leather-face, right?  One piece I've recently added to my regime is this unbelievable exfoliator by Origins.  Modern Friction is super gentle, which I completely appreciate now that I understand how harsh other exfoliators can be on your face.  And I admit, I've been known to say things like, "If I could take sandpaper to my face, I would." But we know that's not good for the skin, now don't we?  This magical pudding makes my skin GLOW, as well as making it super duper soft and smooth.  I'm on the every other day usage track (which is definitely the most I would recommend using it) - but you can use it every three days, whatever your little heart and skin desires.  Here is the description from the Origins website.  Oh, and did I mention this stuff is all natural - HURRAH!  Your skin will thank you, you won't be able to stop checking yourself out, and other people will be jealous.  You, 1 - aging, 0.  Check it out here.  

Sand-blasting skin with coarse, chemical crystals? How painfully passé. Here’s age-smoothing exfoliation without irritation. Skin-refining Rice Starch, cushioned in cream, shows real affinity for rapidly removing sluggish cells, uneven patches and signs of skin damage and discolorations. Lemon Oil kick starts the process of illumination. Another age-sweeping action: skin-menacing molecules are mopped up. All while Aloe keeps skin calm and comfy. There’s no ouch, extra steps or other complications. No redness or flaking follows. The before-and-afters are amazing. Signs of fine lines and size of pores appear to shrink in size. Skin looks perfectly polished, smooth and luminous. And the perk-me-up aromas of Bergamot and Pepperminthelp you look on the bright side. 


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